Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Escaping Reality

The mundane is crippling the imagination The drudge takes the soul in its merciless grip A wandering fancy is brought to cessatin The soldiers of duty have cancelled my trip Reality striking my barricades in spasm Jolting the spirit if wonderous yearn The hole it inflicted becoming a chasm The words disappear on the pages they burn Be gone daily duty and leave me to wander Fresh smelling fields or in dungeons so bleak Breaking the spell means that I'd have to squander The depths if the person I so fondly seek.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high 
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments 
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way 
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee 
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Of all the posts I have written so far this one gave me real hard time to fall into place. Its a weird situation when it almost become impossible to find words for your post especially when till then you have seen times where words used to flow smoothly. The problem intrigued me to look for possible reasons for the same and here are the top possible reasons I came across.

1. Fear

Here are the set of my fears at this moment:

Fear of being dishonest.

Fear of being brutally honest.

2. Discouragement

Never ever did I encourage myself to write, writing changes my perspective for things, flushes my mind from gibberish and helps me to think straight. These are the few things that have been my set of motivation factors and I don’t think that has changed either.

3. Procrastination

On the contrary, I have all the time (those couple of hours I managed to get after the taxing wedding preparation)

4. No Idea

Instead I am brimmed with ideas, all that I have always laughed at, questioned and enjoyed, I am living all of it lately. Welcoming new relationships, new responsibilities and all that come with it.

5. Loneliness

If loneliness is defined as the absence of appropriate company to talk to, to hang out with then I wonder what kind of intellectual outbreak my mind is looking for ‘coz honestly that has always been a tricky company to find and not very often I have had the privilege of bumping into one. So I still lie fumbling with various other reasons to cure this wordlessness.

This is my first attempt to break the inertia, do share your thoughts in case you too have been through such stage of stagnation would love to hear it from you.


Of all the posts I have written so far this one gave me real hard time to fall into place. Its a weird situation when it almost become impossible to find words for your post especially when till then you have seen times where words used to flow smoothly. The problem intrigued me to look for possible reasons for the same and here are the top possible reasons I came across.

1. Fear

Here are the set of my fears at this moment:

Fear of being dishonest.

Fear of being brutally honest.

2. Discouragement

Never ever did I encourage myself to write, writing changes my perspective for things, flushes my mind from gibberish and helps me to think straight. These are the few things that have been my set of motivation factors and I don’t think that has changed either.

3. Procrastination

On the contrary, I have all the time (those couple of hours I managed to get after the taxing wedding preparation)

4. No Idea

Full of ideas, all that I have always laughed at, questioned and enjoyed, I am living all of it lately. Welcoming new relationships, new responsibilities and all that come with it.

5. Loneliness

If loneliness is defined as the absence of appropriate company to talk to, to hang out with then I wonder what kind of intellectual outbreak my mind is looking for ‘coz honestly that has always been a tricky company to find and not very often I have had the privilege of bumping into one. So I still lie fumbling with various other reasons to cure this wordlessness.

This is my first attempt to break the inertia, do share your thoughts in case you too have been through such stage of stagnation would love to hear it from you.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Little Price: Audio Book Review

VR0004[1].WAV Listen on Posterous

"Öne runs the risk of weeping a little, if one lets himself be tamed..."


Never ever did a  mere 100 paged book moved me so much like the way this book did. The little Prince makes several profound and idealistic observations about life and human nature. This book describes the perception of a small kid about the way adults take things in life. Short discoveries like the king who can control the stars but only by ordering them to do what they would do anyway. Businessman who is stuck in an vicious circle of counting stars he thinks he owns to own more  stars , the geographer who spends all of his time making maps, but never leaves his desk reflects the dichotomy humans/or so called adults  strive to feel while differentiating between the so called  consequential and inconsequential  matters of life  they pursue.   Suddenly while reading you will bump into phrases which can exemplify the “Less is more” theory and you will wonder why till date you never realised you were just feeding yourself with garrulous banter, instead you should be just focussing on things that matters. Lovely read, don’t go by the cover and think its a book for kids ‘coz as it is said “What a strange illusion it is to suppose that beauty is goodness

Monday, December 26, 2011

Art Gallery Visit!

One good thing that contextual advertising do to you is to feed you with fodder, you have shown interest in at some point of time. Though the success of this strategy cannot be undermined but it comfortably manages to eliminate diversity from your interest bucket. Everywhere you tend to see like, read about the same kind of stuff, may be because the search, browsing etc.. Are so slick these days that you tend to lose your appetite to discover new things that falls beyond your current interest funnels. Recently I have had such an experience while visiting an art gallery. The occasion was an art exhibition by a friend, after postponing the visit till the last day of the event I finally chose to go at the closing time of the gallery, so as to avoid any communication with all the art connoisseurs there. Not because I have anything against them but because I am still quite ignorant about their area of operations. My Facebook newsfeed also fails to offer any help for the same.

So anyways I did go and visited the gallery. Though the gallery was as quiet and stranded as I wanted it to be, the silence haunted me. It was just 7 in the evening and there was no one to hide from except the caretaker who was also the owner of the gallery, a short old man. It was quite disturbing considering the hoopla and huge fan following we see these days for all the music, dance events happening around. I blamed it on the weird timing I chose to visit the exhibition. So it was a two story building and after the casual exchange of greetings with the owner I started browsing through the lovely paintings around. Just when I got done looking at the paintings at the ground floor I realized the exhibition is at the first floor and all this while I was just staring at some leftover stuff. So anyways I gathered myself again and climbed up to the first floor. The owner was diligently following me and I every part of my creative mind pleaded for some space in this otherwise silent gallery. It was an exhibition by three artists. I finally managed to spot my friend’s name on one of the canvas and believe me I was so happy to see it, atleast there is something I know about. The good thing about abstract art is it gives you enough space to create an imagery of your choice but sometimes you miss the molds which are so implicit in  your otherwise outlined life, which can help you streamline the thought process or atleast save you from the one. So coming back to the exhibition, for first few paintings I did try to think about the possible motivation/ideation  the artist must have gone through while drawing it but trust me it gets all the more unnerving when there is someone right behind you expecting to hear some feedback. After the tenth painting my interest changed from the concept to just the color combination the artist had used. After appreciating the synchronization of different colors and themes the artist had played with my focus shifted to the possible monetary value of this piece of art. Mind you I was just done with the 20th one now. I broke the silence between me and the owner by asking if people are buying paintings. After 2o minutes of our meeting and curiously examining so many paintings I broke my silence with this question and I didn’t know who to blame, I am sure neither did he.  Just when I was done with the first floor and was preparing for a safe exit the owner asked me if I would like to see his paintings as well. I was so exhausted with the probable visualization of the featured paintings in my living room, dining area, work place etc.. I had no energy left to survey more of them but the sheer excitement in the owner’s eyes to showcase his work left me with no other choice. So now I climbed the second floor and was taken aback by huge canvases all painted with bright, dull and gleaming colors. I could see human figures, portraits sketched all over and I was so happy to finally see recognizable figures and patterns just to realize the last bulb was switched on suddenly and there again I saw huge abstract paintings. I was so worried about the huge expectation mismatch that I decided to give each painting 20 seconds of my life. I stood there counted 20 19 18 17….and so on, ofcourse I wanted the owner to believe I understand all of it. Suddenly in midst of all this I managed to recognize one pattern in one of the huge abstract painting and thrilled over my discovery I checked.

Here goes the dialogue

Me: This painting is amazing, is it Lord Ganesha?

Owner: ummmmmm, hmmmmmmm, ya you could say that as well!!”

Really and I thought I cracked the puzzle. But nevertheless I really enjoyed the paintings and hope to see more of it. One of the painitng I liked a lot!


PS: Ritu just for you :-)


One good thing that contextual advertising do to you is to feed you with fodder, you have shown interest in at some point of time. Though the success of this strategy cannot be undermined but it comfortably manages to eliminate diversity from your interest bucket. Everywhere you tend to see like, read about the same kind of stuff, may be because the search, browsing etc.. Are so slick these days that you tend to lose your appetite to discover new things that falls beyond your current interest funnels. Recently I have had such an experience while visiting an art gallery. The occasion was an art exhibition by a friend, after postponing the visit till the last day of the event I finally chose to go at the closing time of the gallery, so as to avoid any communication with all the art connoisseurs there. Not because I have anything against them but because I am still quite ignorant about their area of operations. My Facebook newsfeed also fails to offer any help for the same.

So anyways I did go and visited the gallery. Though the gallery was as quiet and stranded as I wanted it to be, the silence haunted me. It was just 7 in the evening and there was no one to hide from except the caretaker who was also the owner of the gallery, a short old man. It was quite disturbing considering the hoopla and huge fan following we see these days for all the music, dance events happening around. I blamed it on the weird timing I chose to visit the exhibition. So it was a two story building and after the casual exchange of greetings with the owner I started browsing through the lovely paintings around. Just when I got done looking at the paintings at the ground floor I realized the exhibition is at the first floor and all this while I was just staring at some leftover stuff. So anyways I gathered myself again and climbed up to the first floor. The owner was diligently following me and I every part of my creative mind pleaded for some space in this otherwise silent gallery. It was an exhibition by three artists. I finally managed to spot my friend’s name on one of the canvas and believe me I was so happy to see it, atleast there is something I know about. The good thing about abstract art is it gives you enough space to create an imagery of your choice but sometimes you miss the molds which are so implicit in your otherwise outlined life, which can help you streamline the thought process or atleast save you from the one. So coming back to the exhibition, for first few paintings I did try to think about the possible motivation/ideation the artist must have gone through while drawing it but trust me it gets all the more unnerving when there is someone right behind you expecting to hear some feedback. After the tenth painting my interest changed from the concept to just the color combination the artist had used. After appreciating the synchronization of different colors and themes the artist had played with my focus shifted to the possible monetary value of this piece of art. Mind you I was just done with the 20th one now. I broke the silence between me and the owner by asking if people are buying paintings. After 2o minutes of our meeting and curiously examining so many paintings I broke my silence with this question and I didn’t know who to blame, I am sure neither did he. Just when I was done with the first floor and was preparing for a safe exit the owner asked me if I would like to see his paintings as well. I was so exhausted with the probable visualization of the featured paintings in my living room, dining area, work place etc.. I had no energy left to survey more of them but the sheer excitement in the owner’s eyes to showcase his work left me with no other choice. So now I climbed the second floor and was taken aback by huge canvases all painted with bright, dull and gleaming colors. I could see human figures, portraits sketched all over and I was so happy to finally see recognizable figures and patterns just to realize the last bulb was switched on suddenly and there again I saw huge abstract paintings. I was so worried about the huge expectation mismatch that I decided to give each painting 20 seconds of my life. I stood there counted 20 19 18 17….and so on, ofcourse I wanted the owner to believe I understand all of it. Suddenly in midst of all this I managed to recognize one pattern in one of the huge abstract painting hunged there and thrilled over my discovery I checked with the owner.

Here goes the dialogue “ Me: This painting is amazing, is it Lord Ganesha? Owner: ummmmmm, hmmmmmmm, ya you could say that as well!!” Really and I thought I cracked the puzzle. But nevertheless I really enjoyed the paintings and hope to see more of it. Posting one of the painting I like da lot!


PS: Ritu just for you :-)